Maasai in Africa

Maasai are an ethnic group living in Northern Tanzania, Central and Southern Kenya . They are the famous  local populations due to their resident population near many game parks of Africa. They can be easily  distinguished by their customs and dress. The language of the  Maasai speak is called Maa!



According to their widely popular oral history, the Maasai originated from the lower Nile valley  and then started  migrating sout , to Northern Kenya to  Central Tanzania between the 17th and late 18th century.

Considered one of the tallest people in the world with average height of 6 ft 3 inches, the Maasai community lead a  traditional semi-nomadic lifestyle, and  have continued their age-old customs.


Traditionally, the Maasai diet consisted of raw milk, raw meat, and raw blood from cattle.Today, the stable diet of the Maasai consists of cow’s milk and maize-meal.The famous food is a  solid porridge  known as ‘ugali’ and is eaten with milk.



Maasai love their music and dance.They have a song leader called Olaranyani who sings the melodies and the music is  consisting  of rhythms that is  provided by a chorus of vocalists singing harmonies.

Maasai Homes


Maasai still lead a semi-nomadic life, their houses are semi permanent and  loosely constructed. Small, circular houses are  built by the Maasai women using cow dung,  grass, mud and wood.

Maasai and their  cattle

The Maasai tribe has a deep relationship with their cattle.  This close  bond lead them into following a nomadic way of life and move according to availability water and food  for their large herds of cattle.

Maasai dressing


Traditionally Maasai used to be  dressed in animal skins, but the modern day Maasai  dresses in sheets called “shuka”mostly red in colour which they  wrap around the body. They team it up with lot of traditionally made beaded jewellery in their hands and neck. Occasionally they may change into differently colored sheets.

Maasai place a lot of beauty in Ear piercing, and both men and women can be seen  wearing metal hoops on their stretched earlobes.


Labor work  among traditional herding Maasai isvery clearly divided. The man’s responsibility is to protect his cattle  and find them good pasture land and water sources. Women take charge of raising children, maintain the house, cook, and do the milking of cattle .

Asanja -Maasai Community Safari

When you plan your Safari with Asanja, your Asanja private safari includes a visit to a Maasai Village. You are driven to the Maasai Village in your private 4×4 safari vehicle and a cultural program is arranged by the Maasai people.

You also get to visit their homes & the schools. Keep in mind the Maasais expect to the tipped before you leave the Maasai Village. A good tip is anything above USD 50.

Contact us to start planning an incredible African Safari:

The Great Migration

The Great Wildebeest Migration:

As wildlife lovers the most awaited excitement of the year for us is The great migration. One of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa and one of the ten natural travel wonders of the world, The Great Wildebeest Migration is a yearly event when the annual migration of giant herds of theses gazers across Northern Tanzania and Kenya takes place.this event is truly spectacular.

the great migration

A truely spectacular event to witness as  over two million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles move through the Serengeti and Masai Mara searching for their food that is green grasslands. This happens  in a regular pattern and its amazing to see how disciplined these animals are when it comes to movement. Making ques and following each other in order is something that we all need to learn from them.

These  wildebeest migrate around Serengeti, and into Masai Mara for the sole purpose of following the rainfall.

wildebeest migration serengeti

Journey from  January to March

When the calving season begins – This a time when there is plenty and more of freshly ready  grass ripened by the rains available for the 260,000 zebra , 1.7 million wildebeest , around 470,000 gazelles.and hundreds of thousands of other animals to feast upon.

February-The month of new arrivals-new offsprings

February is the month the wildebeest give birth to approximately 500,000 calves within a 2 to 3-week period. Few calves are born premature , ahead of time and of these, hardly any survive.These little calves are very easy for the predators to spot and attack.

May -June- When the rain Gods take leave !

As the rains end in May, all of these animals start moving northwest into the areas around the Grumeti River, where they stay until late June.

July -Its a party time for Crocs!

July is the month when these animals advance further into their journey and cross Grumeti and Mara rivers to arrive in Kenya.This is the time when the rivers full of crocodiles are waiting to get the most easy prey and a meaty feast. many animals are killed and eaten by the crocodiles at this time and the one s who are lucky, survive to move ahead.

This is also the best time to do a safari around Grumeti (Asanja Grumeti Camp) and Mara rivers.

July and August- Time to unwind!

The herds arrive in Kenya in late July / August, where they stay for the remainder of the dry season.

November to December-Journey begins again!

In early November, with the start of the short rains the migration starts moving south again, to the short grass plains of the southeast, usually arriving in December.

December to February-Time to Relax!

February -Time for new calves  and other new babies to arrive again!



The sad thing in this beautiful phenomenon is that  about 250,000 wildebeest die due to hunger, thirst, exhaustion or by predation while on this journey from Tanzania to the Maasai Mara  which is a  total of 800 kilometres .

Witnessing this wonder nature….i think to myself… I tell  myself to pause ,to take a break and to be thankful for the life i got  and to be born a human!

Asanja great Migration safari:

Lake Natron

Lake Natron – The beautiful mystery of Tanzania!

Lake Natron

Close to the Kenyan border in the Arusha region lies Lake Natron – the salt and Soda lake in Northern Tanzania!

Lake Natron is a shallow lake, and is around  9.8 ft deep, is a maximum of 57 kilometres long and 22 kilometers wide. The area around the lake  receives irregular seasonal rainfall.The temperature at the lake is mostly around 40 degrees C.

The lake got its name due to the mixture of salt and minerals, called natron, that  are revealed when the water’s level comes down. Natron is a compound that occurs naturally and  comes from volcanic ash,  mainly consisting of the chemicals sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate.

Although being one of the  most serene lakes in Africa,  it has become a favorite with photographers who say the images they click look like a living animal just turned to stone.

Lake Natron source of water are some springs that are rich in minerals, making the lake highly alkaline, reaching a pH of 9 to 10.5. which is higher than the pH of sea water which is between 7 to 9 .

All these attributes, make Lake Natron one of the deadliest in Tanzania.

Lake Natron

Due to the presence of these chemicals and salts and the microbes that feed on them the lake looks red, pink, and orange at times. The salt content in the lake is so high that most animals cannot survive there and animals that die in the lake are turned into statues, through calcification.

However it still is a favorite of lesser flamingos that breed on the lake. These flamingos feed on the blue green algae that grow in the water and are one of the living beings that can  survive around the lake.

Despite all of this, the lake remains one of the main breeding grounds for lesser flamingos, a species who’s status of ‘near threatened’ is a direct consequence of its dependence on Lake Natron for breeding purposes. During periods when there isn’t much rain, the lake’s water level decreases, revealing salt islands, on which birds build nests. The blue-green algae that grow in the water, in turn, feed on the birds nests. Animals that die in the lake are turned into statues, through calcification and appear as if they have been soaked in cement.

All these attributes make Lake Natron a must visit if you are in Tanzania!

Asanja – Lake Natron Safari

You can start your Lake Natron Safari from Arusha or Kilimanjaro. You can also just do a day trip to Lake Natron. You will be welcomed by Asanja s specialized safari guide cum drivers with The Safari vehicles to take you straight to Lake Natron.

Your packed lunch boxes and mineral water will be there for you in the safari vehicles and you enjoy it while on your safari.

After a full day safari in Lake Natron, you will be taken to an Asanja hand picked lodge where you can unwind for the day.

Park fees for Lake Natron

The Government requires you to pay park entrance fees when you visit the Lake Natron. You can read about the park fees here

Asanja Africa Safaris are a true wilderness experience!

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Tanzania Big 5 Safaris

big five safaris tanzania

Big five Safaris in Tanzania

The term Big Five originally meant the five animals that were toughest for their hunters and this was mostly  because of their unpredictable behavior.

Seeing the “Big Five” in the wild is one of the most memorable things one can ever experience

Big five safaris tanzania

The African big 5 are Lion, Leopard, Elephant , Rhinoceros and the dangerous Wild Buffalo.

The African continent is the only place in the world where big five still roams freely in great numbers!


big five safaris tanzania

Lions have been celebrated throughout history for their courage and strength. They once roamed most of Africa and parts of Asia and Europe.

Weighing up to 500 pounds and growing up to 10 feet, lions are the largest members of the cat family after tigers.  They  like to be in grassy plains. Lions can be given the credit for having the loudest roar than any of the big cats. Being as loud as thunder you can hear this big cat  roar from 8 kilometers away. Lions like to live in  social  groups and claim their territory by roaring.

The Prides are their family units that can have from 3 to up to 40 lions. Females in the pride  give birth around the same time which in a way  allows the cubs to nurse from multiple females.

It is amazing to know that lionesses are  the primary hunters in the pride but their success rate is only thirty percent of their attempts. Thee usual prey being zebra and antelope

Sometimes when they get an  opportunity, they also steal kills from wild dogs and hyenas.

Average lifespan of a male lion is 12 to 15 years and for a female it can go up to 19 years.


Big five safaris tanzania

These graceful and powerful close relatives of  tigers, lions and jaguars live in sub-Saharan Africa, northeast Africa, Central Asia, India, and China. However,  outside of Africa, many of their populations are now endangered.

The leopard loves the comfort of trees  and  often hauls its kills into the branches.This also cleverly  keeps the bodies of its pray  safe from scavengers like hyenas.leopards being  nocturnal  predators also stalk antelope, deer, and pigs by stealthy movements in the tall grass.

Leopards are strong swimmers and very comfortable  in the water, where they sometimes eat crabs or fish.

Female leopards can give birth at any time of the year. They usually have two grayish cubs with barely visible spots. The mother hides her cubs and moves them from one safe location to the next until they are old enough to begin playing and learning to hunt. Cubs live with their mothers for about two years—otherwise, leopards are solitary animals.

Leopard Spots

Most leopards are light colored with distinctive dark spots called rosettes, as they resemble the shape of a rose.

Black panther

With their spots hard to distinguish, these leopards appear to be almost solid in color. Hence are commonly called black panthers.

Avearge lifespan of a leopard is 12 to 17 years.

African elephant

big five safaris tanzania

African Elephants are about 10 feet tall and weigh  around 18000 pounds and to maintain its body an average elphant consumes roughly 70000 calories through food and around 50 gallons of water everyday and good swimmers but cant jump

Elephants are very intelligent animals with good memory and are one of the few animals that can recognize themselves in the mirror just like humans.

Elephants have a big trunk and to show affection they touch each other with their trunks and even protect and cuddle their  babies .

Baby elephants too lose their first set of teeth and tusks, just like us humans.

Having a baby elephant is quite a job too. They have a longer pregnancy than almost 22 months which is longer than most animals.  A new born baby elephant weighs  200 pounds and stands about 3 feet tall.

An average elephant lives up to 70 years.

African Rhinoceros

big five safaris tanzania

Rhinos are a type of odd toed, hoofed mammals. An average African rhinoceros weighs between 1760 to 3080 lbs and stands 4.5 to 6 ft at shoulder level.

Black rhinos like a solitary living. Except for the females who are often with their off springs. Females reproduce only every two and a half to five years. Their single calf does not live on its own until it is about three years old.

Black rhinos like to feed at night and during the gloaming hours of dawn and dusk. Under the hot African sun, they take cover by lying in the shade. Rhinos are also wallowers. They often find a suitable water hole and roll in its mud, coating their skin with a natural bug repellent and sun block.

Rhinos have sharp hearing and a keen sense of smell. They often find one another by following the trail of scent each of the animal leaves behind it on the landscape.

Black rhinos have two horns, the foremost more prominent than the other. Rhino horns can grow as much as three inches a year, and have been known to grow up to five feet long. whereas Females use their horns to protect their young,  males use them to fight attackers.

Average lifespan of an African  rhino is 35 to 50 years.

African Buffalo

big five safaris tanzania

The African buffalo is one of the most successful grazers in Africa. It lives in swamps and floodplains, as well as mopane grasslands and forests of the major mountains of Africa. This buffalo prefers a habitat with dense cover, such as reeds and thickets, but can also be found in open woodland.

While not particularly demanding with regard to habitat, they require water daily, so depend on perennial sources of water.  When feeding, the buffalo makes use of its tongue and wide incisor row to eat grass more quickly than most other African herbivores.

Other than humans, African Cape buffaloes have few predators and are capable of defending themselves against (and killing) lions. Lions do kill and eat buffalo regularly, and in some regions, the buffaloes are the lions’ primary prey.

The average-sized crocodile typically attacks only old solitary animals and young calves

Also, this crocodile is the only animal that typically takes down adult buffalo alone, The cheetah, leopard, and spotted hyena are normally a threat only to newborn calves.

Buffaloes mate and give birth only during the rainy seasons.  A bull closely guards a cow that comes into heat, while keeping other bulls at bay.

Cows first calve at five years of age, after a gestation period of 11.5 months. Newborn calves remain hidden in vegetation for the first few weeks while being nursed occasionally by the mother before joining the main herd.

The maternal bond between mother and calf lasts longer than in most animals However, when a new calf is born, the bonding ends and the mother keeps her previous offspring at bay with horn jabs.

Males leave their mothers when they are two years old and join the bachelor groups.

African buffalo can live upto 22 years

The incredible Asanja big five Safaris in Tanzania

When you plan a safari with Asanja Africa, your private safaris are designed in a way where you will experience the Big five on your safaris in Tanzania

You will stalk the stalker, follow lions, see a buffalo charging, wake up with elephants outside your private tent & spot the Rhino!

Contact Us for the most exciting journey of your life…

Balloon Safari Serengeti

Balloon Safari Serengeti

The view of wildlife trails made by generations of animals impossible to see from the ground… That is an incredible Balloon Safari Experience

balloon safari serengeti

A balloon safari offers an opportunity to see the Serengeti from a unique perspective as you will fly over areas out of bounds to vehicles as off road driving is not permitted in much of the Serengeti.

balloon safari serengeti

Your Balloon Safari adventure starts early in the  morning. The skies would still be dark and you may get to spot some nocturnals at this time. Asanja Team will transfer you to the Balloon Safari launch site. You will meet your pilot while your balloon gets  inflated for the safari!

Before you take off, a thorough safety briefing and demonstration of boarding and landing position is given. As the sun rises your balloon rises too floating in the direction of the  winds of the day, heading over this wonderful area.

It is an adventure – even for us! Whereas we know where we have started, we genuinely do not know where we will land as we float in the direction of and speed of the wind.

balloon safari serengeti

A balloon safari offers an opportunity to see the Serengeti National Park from a unique perspective. You will notice wildlife trails made by generations of animals impossible to see from the ground.

balloon safari serengeti

As you float above Central Serengeti you would see the Seronera River -the only river that provides permanent water in this area. The scenic beauty here is immense . Many resident species can be easily spotted here. The  open plains, acacia woodlands and river with many hippo pools all together make this a treat for the eyes.

balloon safari serengeti

Flying over Serengeti western Corridor  close to the shores of Lake Victoria, this lovely stretch  is home to varied resident wildlife species. The Grumeti River is home to huge crocodiles and is a formidable barrier to the migrating wildebeest as they attempt a crossing.

Serengeti south– The great migration of wildebeest and zebra can be spotted on the southern plains here  December through March.

It is an adventure – even for us…  We only  know where we have started, we genuinely do not know where  the direction  and speed of the wind will take us.

balloon safari serengeti

As you land, you will celebrate the completion of your balloon safari  with a  champagne toast and then head for “Out of Africa’ breakfast”

Your lavish breakfast is prepared and served in the bush with top of the line linen, cutlery and great company of your fellow travellers.

Once the Balloon Safari is over, your Asanja guide will take you for a private game drive around the area.

arusha national park

When you return to one of the Asanja Camp, and our chef prepares a BBQ dinner, you sip your drinks and think of a piece of you may always remain in Serengeti!

Contact Us for the most exciting journey of your life…

Fly Camping Serengeti

Fly Camping Serengeti

Fly Camping Serengeti, Tanzania


Fly Camping Serengeti

Ever thought of camping under the stars? Being out in the middle of marvels of nature..

A night away in the bush, we take you to a small private camp called Asanja Under the Stars, which is set up exclusively for you.

The sound of hundred gazelles gazing and a sudden thump of a zebra running to save his life from the predator or a thunderous roar of the King of the jungle. You will be closest you can ever get to this kind of an experience where you and nature become one.

This will be a temporary set up done as per your request and can be done  from one night to more nights. An armed ranger to keep guard when you are experiencing Asanja Under the Stars can be arranged on request.


Fly Camping Serengeti

The fly camping experience in Serengeti is safe & we will make sure that your fly camping experience is a comfortable one too. We drive you to the Asanja Under the Stars, fly camp setup exclusively for you.

Fly Camping Serengeti

You get a fully set up tent, with windows on three sides. Lamps, camping chairs and a camping table will be provided along with it.  We will make sure that you get hot bucket water for showering & a safari toilet is also provided.

 Fly Camping Serengeti

Food with Asanja will always be the best even if you are far from it.

 Fly Camping Serengeti

Our Chef will accompany you to make sure your fly camping experience is not short of delectable food because we know no trip is complete without good food!

How can one book the Asanja Under the Stars – Fly Camping Experience?

The Asanja Under the Stars – Fly Camping Experience can be booked as a special exclusive addition when you plan & book your safari with Asanja Africa. Let our team know you are interested in this experience and we will add it for one of the nights on your Asanja Safari. So come and experience nature the way it is meant be and the closest it could get!

Contact Us for the most exciting journey of your life…


Experiences & Activities

things to do in tanznia

Things to do in Tanzania

Tanzania an East African country is known for its vast wilderness areas. The areas include the plains of Serengeti National Park, a safari mecca populated by the “big five” game (elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino), and Kilimanjaro National Park, home to Africa’s highest mountain.

There are several National Parks in Tanzania & an exceptional safari begins with the right level of research.

Offshore lie the tropical islands of Zanzibar, with Arabic influences, and Mafia, with a marine park home to whale sharks and coral reefs.

Things to do in Tanzania

Planning a Vacation to Tanzania

Knowledge acquired for an African adventure ensures a rich appreciation of the safari experience.

Tanzania is most popular for it’s incredible wildlife safaris. Whether you are planning a solo trip, a holiday with friends, family vacation or want to experience a splendid honeymoon, Tanzania has it all!

The most popular itinerary when planning a vacation to Tanzania is bush to beach. You must plan a safari and then go visit the Zanzibar Island.

Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania in East Africa. It is composed of the Zanzibar Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, 25–50 kilometres (16–31 mi) off the coast of the mainland, and consists of many small islands and two large ones: Unguja (the main island, referred to informally as Zanzibar) and Pemba Island.

Safaris in Tanzania

Safari is a way of life in Tanzania! Experience an African Safari in the best game parks on the planet. Stalk the stalker, watch it pounce upon its prey, see millions of animals crossing a river, live in the wildand discover unusual species while you’re at it.. African Safaris are witness to the Great Migration passing through the Serengeti National Park – a massive spectacle with wildebeest herds so large they can be seen from space. The neighboring parks like Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara & Ngorongoro Conservation Area are alsohome to an extraordinary selection of predators. Click here to checkout the most Amazing Tanzania safaris.

Male Lion near Asanja Grumeti Camp, Serengeti National Park

Lions after a Hunt eating near Asanja Moru Camp, Serengeti National Park

Things to do in Tanzania on a Safari | Experiences & Activities

Balloon Safari: The view of wildlife trails made by generations of animals impossible to see from the ground… That is an incredible Balloon Safari Experience. Read More……

Fly Camping:  Ever thought of camping under the stars? Being out in the middle of marvels of nature.. A night away in the bush, we take you to a small private camp called Asanja Under the Stars, which is set up exclusively for you Read more……

Big Five Safari: The term Big Five originally meant the five animals that were toughest for their hunters and this was mostly  because of their unpredictable behavior. Seeing the “Big Five” in the wild is one of the most memorable things one can ever experience. Read More……

Wildebeest Migration: The Great Wildebeest Migration of giant herds of grazers across Northern Tanzania is a spectacular event. Over two million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles move through the Serengeti in search of green pasture, in a regular pattern. Read More……

Tarangire National Park

Contact Us for the most exciting journey of your life…

Wildebeest Migration Serengeti

wildebeest migration

Wildebeest Migration Serengeti

Much of the Serengeti was known to outsiders as Maasailand. The Maasai are known as fierce warriors and live alongside most wild animals with an aversion to eating game and birds, subsisting exclusively on their cattle. Historically, their strength and reputation kept the newly arrived Europeans from exploiting the animals and resources of most of their land. A rinderpest epidemic and drought during the 1890s greatly reduced the numbers of both Maasai and animal populations. The Tanzanian government later in the 20th century re-settled the Maasai around the Ngorongoro Crater. Poaching and the absence of fires, which had been the result of human activity, set the stage for the development of dense woodlands and thickets over the next 30–50 years. Tsetse fly populations now prevented any significant human settlement in the area.

By the mid-1970s, wildebeest and the Cape buffalo populations had recovered and were increasingly cropping the grass, reducing the amount of fuel available for fires. The reduced intensity of fires has allowed acacia to once again become established.

In the 21st century, mass rabies vaccination programmes for domestic dogs in the Serengeti have not only indirectly prevented hundreds of human deaths, but also protected wildlife species such as the endangered African wild dog.

wildebeest migration serengeti

The Great Migration
The Great Wildebeest Migration of giant herds of grazers across Northern Tanzania is a spectacular event. Over two million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles move through the Serengeti in search of green pasture, in a regular pattern. This is surely one of the greatest wonders of the natural world. Each year around the same time, the circular great wildebeest migration begins in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area of the southern Serengeti in Tanzania. This migration is a natural phenomenon determined by the availability of grazing. This phase lasts from approximately January to March, when the calving season begins – a time when there is plenty of rain-ripened grass available for the 260,000 zebra that precede 1.7 million wildebeest and the following hundreds of thousands of other plains game, including around 470,000 gazelles.

During February, the wildebeest spend their time on the short grass plains of the southeastern part of the ecosystem (Checkout the Asanja Moru, Luxury Bush Camp), grazing and giving birth to approximately 500,000 calves within a 2 to 3-week period. Few calves are born ahead of time and of these, hardly any survive. The main reason is that very young calves are more noticeable to predators when mixed with older calves from the previous year. As the rains end in May, the animals start moving northwest into the areas around the Grumeti River (Checkout the Asanja Grumeti, Luxury Tented Camp), where they typically remain until late June. The crossings of the Grumeti and Mara rivers beginning in July are a popular safari attraction because crocodiles are lying in wait. The herds arrive in Kenya in late July / August, where they stay for the remainder of the dry season, except that the Thomson’s and Grant’s gazelles move only east/west. In early November, with the start of the short rains the migration starts moving south again, to the short grass plains of the southeast, usually arriving in December in plenty of time for calving in February.[14]

About 250,000 wildebeest die during the journey from Tanzania to the Maasai Mara National Reserve in southwestern Kenya, a total of 800 kilometres (500 mi). Death is usually from thirst, hunger, exhaustion, or predation.